Thank you for a very illuminating article Mark. I have read the Koran and think it turgid obtuse and rather threatening without many redeeming qualities but your analyses I find very concise.
Those of us fortunate enough to discover Mark and his colleagues at the Middle East Forum a decade or more ago and who took the opportunity to take multiple, prolonged deep dives into Islamic ideology & practice, none of this is new. The bigotry, vilification & incitement to violence has continued to escalate with the increasing Muslim population facilitated by immigration. It is a well known fact that as the proportion of Muslims in the population increases, extremism in the form of religious hatred and violence escalates in parallel to the rise in Islam’s adherents. The trajectory without State intervention is for increasing attacks on non- Muslims, fed by the increasingly violent rhetoric of Islamic supremacy and ever increasing strident demands for concessions, special treatment and greater representation and influence.
Cowardly politicians of all parties are wilfully blind to the risks of their failure to protect the non-Muslim population, with many politicians historically illiterate to an extreme extent. Having betrayed Jewish Australians by pursuing mass Muslim migration of Jew-hating fanatics, the clueless political class now add every other religious group in Australian society to the list of legitimate targets of Islam!!
The situation is terrifying for non-Moslems. I agree that the majority of western politicians are naive about the long term intentions of radial Islam.
Our politicians in all parties are completely ignorant of Islam annd think that it is just a religion like other religions.
Thank you for a very illuminating article Mark. I have read the Koran and think it turgid obtuse and rather threatening without many redeeming qualities but your analyses I find very concise.
Those of us fortunate enough to discover Mark and his colleagues at the Middle East Forum a decade or more ago and who took the opportunity to take multiple, prolonged deep dives into Islamic ideology & practice, none of this is new. The bigotry, vilification & incitement to violence has continued to escalate with the increasing Muslim population facilitated by immigration. It is a well known fact that as the proportion of Muslims in the population increases, extremism in the form of religious hatred and violence escalates in parallel to the rise in Islam’s adherents. The trajectory without State intervention is for increasing attacks on non- Muslims, fed by the increasingly violent rhetoric of Islamic supremacy and ever increasing strident demands for concessions, special treatment and greater representation and influence.
Cowardly politicians of all parties are wilfully blind to the risks of their failure to protect the non-Muslim population, with many politicians historically illiterate to an extreme extent. Having betrayed Jewish Australians by pursuing mass Muslim migration of Jew-hating fanatics, the clueless political class now add every other religious group in Australian society to the list of legitimate targets of Islam!!
The situation is terrifying for non-Moslems. I agree that the majority of western politicians are naive about the long term intentions of radial Islam.
Dear Barbara - I believe we have been doing better in Australia than in some other western countries. But that doesn't mean we are doing very well.